Schedule for 8.12 – 8.18.13
Here’s our schedule for the week! Hope to see you guys out on the road!! It has been a busy summer so far and we are definitely feeling it, TIRED! No rest yet summer is still in full swing for some! Look for some new menu items soon, we are hard at work in our “GLOBAL HEADQUARTERS” and will be introducing some things soon!!
As we now have the space for ourselves, we are also looking to rent out kitchen space/time to other caterers, cooks, and bakers. So if you happen to know somebody that is looking to develop their own business, let them know there is a place for them! We are almost at full capacity and are looking for the right people to share the space with, a collective is always more fun!!
8.12 MON: Lunch (New Location)
Applied Micro
215 Moffett Park Dr., Sunnyvale, Ca.
8.13 TUE: Lunch
755 Page Mill Rd., Palo Alto, CA.
8.14 WED: Lunch
755 N. Mary Ave. Sunnyvale, CA.
8.15 THUR: Lunch
Private Catering
San Jose, CA.
8.16 FRI: Lunch
Private Catering
8.16 FRI: Dinner
No Service
8.17 SAT: Lunch
Night Market
1411 Mabury Rd, San Jose, CA
8.18 SUN: Lunch
No Service
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